Oil & Gas

Strong, lightweight, spoolable and corrosion resistant, Thermoplastic Composite Pipe provides a wide variety of financial, operational, and environmental benefits in subsea production and oil field service applications. Since TCP was first launched, Strohm has developed a number of product variations including TCP Flowlines, TCP Jumpers and TCP Risers.

In contrast with incumbent technologies, such as steel pipes and conventional flexible pipes, one of the key benefits of TCP is its chemical resistance. TCP does not corrode or embrittle when in contact with water, carbon dioxide, hydrogen or hydrogen sulfide.

With continued investment in its growth and innovation from many global supermajors, the technology’s rapid journey from concept to commercialisation has ensured Strohm has the world’s largest track record. TCP has been installed in every offshore oil and gas region globally and with zero failures.

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Jumper Spool
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