Quality, Compliance and Safety

There is always time to do it safely


Strohm is strongly committed to continuous improvement of its Quality, Environmental, Safety & Health performance.

Our QESH policy is an integral part of Strohms QESH management system and forms the basis for conducting our business activities in compliance with ISO 9001 and API Specification Q1 standards and applicable QESH laws and regulations.

"There is always time to do it safely"
Strohm company is actively creating a culture of Safety & Health awareness among own employees but also for its contractors.
Strohm has a near miss and incident reporting system to identify (potential) risks and take the right measures to provide a safe working environment.

We perform Safety Walks on a regular basis to spot potential safety risks and keep employees involved in safety-promoting activities in their workplace.

"There is always time to do it safely" is the basic attitude for all our activities and supports our target to have zero Lost Time Injuries.

Anti Bribery and Corruption

Strohm is committed to carrying out its business fairly, honestly and openly. Therefore, Strohm has a zero tolerance policy towards bribery. Please read our Statement regarding Bribery and Corruption here. More information regarding Strohms anti-bribery and corruption principles and rules can found in our Code of Conduct