Strohm is committed to its core values for a sustainable future: reducing the CO2 footprint of pipelines around the globe, and providing solutions for hydrogen and carbon capture applications. Read more in Strohm's Climate Policy.
Strohm is proud to be a Climate Neutral Certified organisation, according to the Climate Neutral Certification standard from Climate Climate Group (CNG). We achieved compliance to this standard to become a Climate Neutral Organisation after an audit by an independent Certification body in 2020 by implementing an ESG strategy featuring key CO2 reduction initiatives, including an accredited offsetting programme. A copy of this certificate can be downloaded here.
Through these efforts, we are making significant progress towards achieving our next goal, to reduce our products CO2 footprint from a product life cycle point of view and invest in product development to support the energy transition.
As the global energy sector shifts its focus from fossil fuels to greener energy production, the industry is working hard to reduce its operational CO2 footprint., Many of the major operators are taking this a step further to include the CO2 footprint of their products’ full life cycle, targeting “net zero” carbon emissions. To support this important work, we are reducing the CO2 footprint relating to the life cycle of our TCP products.
We are doing this through scope 3 of the greenhouse gas protocol, considering the full life cycle of TCP in the context of our product moving through the different stages involved: Ex-Works footprint, As-Installed footprint, and Life Cycle footprint.
When considering the Ex-Works and As-Installed footprints, we see that TCP has the potential to reduce the CO2 footprint of a pipeline by more than 60%. We have analysed one case where our TCP Flowline was installed off the coast of West Africa. As TCP can be installed using small vessels, with low fuel consumption, and transported on regular transport vessels, the CO2 emissions associated with installation are a fraction of those seen when installing steel pipelines offshore. In this case, working with actual fuel consumption data, we found a CO2 reduction of 60% compared to that of a steel pipeline. With the added benefit of zero maintenance intervention, the life cycle benefits on CO2 footprint increase further. We are also investing in recycling technologies and processes, aiming at recycling the TCP materials in either lower grade applications or, eventually, our own products.
The second part of our Sustainability commitment, is that we see opportunities for TCP in the green hydrogen and CCUS (carbon capture, utilisation & storage) markets, where TCP has a perfect technological fit and compelling business case.
Hydrogen will play a growing role in the energy mix of the future. It can be used in many differing applications including storage of energy, feedstock for industries, and decarbonization. Our ultimate goal is to enable green hydrogen to be generated competitively in offshore wind parks, either bottom fixed or floating. Strohm’s TCP is the ideal product for transporting hydrogen:
With CO2 price becoming increasingly important.
CCUS is an essential part of the available portfolio of solutions required to achieve the Paris Agreement goals. Strohm’s TCP provides a simple and reliable option for transporting this CO2: