What riser configuration is best for TCP?
The integrated weight coating offers the possibility to tune the mass of the TCP to the requirements from the global configuration analysis. By integrating weight into the TCP only where required, Strohm can always offer the TCP in the configuration as preferred by the operator. This includes the free hanging riser configuration, enabling maximum flexibility in well placement, or other configurations such as tensioned configurations (for example steep wave configurations, top tensioned risers or riser towers).
What is an integrated weight coating?
The integrated weight coating is an optional fourth layer of the TCP. The materials used for this layer are the base polymer of the TCP (being PE, PA12 or PVDF) mixed with heavy particles. Like all other layers in TCP, also the weight coating is fully bonded to the outer coating layer.
For flowlines, on bottom stability is key. How is TCP made stable on the seabed?
Strohm has developed a suite of solutions that allow the operator or the installation contractor to choose the best method. These include:
We work with the installation contractor and operator to select the best method and provide oversight during installation offshore.
How can the TCP riser be installed?
We have designed the TCP Riser such that today’s installation vessels can be used for their installation. We have been able to achieve this by selecting the right material in combination with optimised pipe design. Using current installation vessels, allows operators to replace the flexible pipe by TCP Riser, without the need to change their configuration or proven installation methods.
How is TCP Flowline and Jumper Spool deployed and installed?
Strohm designs TCP such that existing and known installation method can be used, albeit the most cost effective ones. This is summarized as follows: