The industry is moving to reducing the CO2 footprint of their operations, with some major operators moving further, to include the CO2 footprint of the full life cycle of their product, also known as “net zero”. To support the industry, Strohm is reducing the CO2 footprint related to our TCP product across the life cycle.
The CO2 footprint related to our company is considered in three scopes. In scopes 1 and 2, Strohm has already made significant gains in reducing our CO2 footprint, with all electricity used during manufacture being 100% certified green energy. We assess scope 3 in the context of our product moving through the different stages in its life cycle: Ex-Works footprint, As-Installed footprint, and Life Cycle footprint.
When considering the Ex-Works and As-Installed footprints, we see that TCP has the potential to reduce the CO2 footprint of a pipeline by more than 50%. With the added benefit of zero maintenance intervention, the life cycle benefits on CO2 footprint increase further. A typical installation case in West Africa, based on a field-proven TCP installation and comparing to steel, shows that a CO2 reduction of 50% or more is achievable.
In Strohm we are certifying our footprint assessment with the aim to provide our clients with a fully certified CO2 footprint assessment. On individual projects this is already available.
Wish to learn how you can reduce the CO2 footprint of your pipeline infrastructure?
Contact us!